I Survived the Japanese Tsunami, 2011 by Lauren Tarshis
After the death of his father, Ben and his mom and brother visit their uncle in Shogahama, Japan. Ben is consumed with grief and tries shutting his remaining family out of his life. However, a terrifying and devastating earthquake and then tsunami “shake things up” and brings Ben back to focusing on what matters most.Tarshis has written another great installment for the I Survived series. For readers new to this series, they do not have to be read in order. The chapters are short, yet very meaty, which should appeal to a large range of readers from early to advanced. Ben has such a sad story, and young readers may experience a “flood” of emotions with him. I will definitely be adding this one to my school library’s collection!
Release date: August 27, 2013
Recommended for: 2nd-7th graders and fans of historical fition