
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Book Review: Clueless McGee and the Inflatable Pants

Clueless McGee and The Inflatable Pants: Book 2

Clueless McGee and the Inflatable Pants by Jeff Mack

Readers may worry that they will be clueless with this second book in the Clueless McGee series, but have no fear, it can be a stand alone read.

I have to admit, I was leery at first glance: the letter-writing style and illustrations scream Wimpy Kid fan book. But I quickly became a fan of this book and will recommend it to all my students looking for a humorous read (Wimpy Kid fans and all).

In this story, PJ is encouraged by Principal Prince to lessen his ninja obsession and expand his mind by joining the Rocket Science Club. That doesn't sound exciting to PJ until he learns he can win the official Rocket Science trophy for creating an exceptional invention. PJ's new obsession then becomes winning the science trophy (and also still ninjas) until the trophy is stolen. He then puts his detective skills to work to find his (er, the school's) missing Rocket Science trophy.

Release date:  June 13, 2013

Recommended for:  2nd-5th graders (8-11 year olds) who like humor and wonder what else is there to read besides Wimpy Kid books

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